Sunday, November 9, 2008

Too much computer time?

I'm not sure, but I think this next story indicates we have spent a bit too much time on the computer in the last few weeks!

Eric is going through some paperwork right now and he dropped a sheet of paper. Want to guess what his first thought was?? Are you ready for this?

"Ctrl + z" (Yes, he really admitted this to me!) hehehehe

For those of you who use keyboard shortcuts, you will understand that to mean "undo". Yes, ladies and gentlemen, his first thought was a keyboard shortcut to undo what had done. ...there was nothing electronic about what he was was just going through paperwork!

Yes, I think this means we have spent a tiny bit too much time attached to the computer!

His conversation with me is continuing as I type...he is now talking about going on vacation - "Ctrl +S" Yes, save that! Or transporting himself to someplace warm "Ctrl + x" then "Ctrl + v". For those not into keyboard shortcuts, that is cut and paste. :)

I think he might be losing this man get a grip! No!!!

1 comment:

Matt said...

Step away from the computer.....slowly....I am a keyboard shortcut junkie myself, I understand. Have you discovered the wonderful world of using the "alt" key? It opens the top menus and allows access to their contents without moving your mouse!! (example: In word hit "alt+o" and it opens the Format menu, then hit "alt+f" to change the font!) That's why some of those letters are underlined! Neato!