Betcha didn’t even know they existed didja? Well, they do. Come live with us, you will get first hand experience. We’ve been fairly absent this week from everything. Why? We’ve been dealing with Maddoxx who has always had a little flair for the dramatic side, but this week she took it to a level that we didn’t even knew existed! Let me attempt to explain…get ready, it’s going to be long!
On Monday night Eric took her out to play fetch in the big green space. He launched her favorite toy and she took off after it and ended up taking a hard left. (And this is where the drama begins.) She immediately held her back left leg up and wouldn’t walk on it. Eric carried her home and by the way he said my name when he walked in the door I knew there was an issue. Yep, Maddoxx won’t use her leg….refuses. She is refusing to walk and do her business outside. None of the above. This means that she will only lay on her pillow.
At this point we are VERY concerned because you all know of our leg problems with Punk! We’ve already fixed 2 broken legs on him and always said Maddoxx was our strong girl. She was the last one we expected to have leg issues! Low and behold she has now thrown us into the world of fixing her leg. At this point we are carrying her everywhere and carrying her outside BEGGING and PLEADING with her to please just “go”. Nothing.
We go to the vet the next day for an exam and xrays. Nothing is broken….yahoo!! But she does have patella luxation, which means her knee is slipping in and out and causing her to hold it up. We decide to just let her rest it out and schedule another appt. for Monday to talk with the doctor who has more experience with patella luxation. This is Wednesday. She still hasn’t done her business since the incident! We get to the 24 hour point and we are so worried about her. It took her 36 hours before she finally woke us up at 3:30am to go out. FINALLY!
But the drama continues, she still refuses to move on her own. We are carrying her everywhere and begging her to continue to do her business. Nothing. She’s going 24-36 hours between each duty. UGH!!!
So we bring her back in on Friday, we don’t think it can wait until Monday as she’s not interested in food, water, or anything that she usually loves. As this point we are assuming we will hear nothing other than “it’s time to schedule surgery”. Dreading it!
**This is the point where the big queen gets BUSTED!**
The vet is checking her out and finding NOTHING to be real concerned about. She said she’s seen much worse. She estimated Maddoxx’s severity at a 2 on a scale of 4. Guess what folks? It just so happens that Punk has patella luxation as well and his severity is a 2 too!!!!!! He’s getting along perfectly fine. At this point in the appoitment, I no longer refer to her as Maddoxx, I call her Drama Queen. So then the vet put her on the floor to walk. She walks…..JUST FINE! Then the vet gets the treats out! Yep, she sure sits pretty for the vet! I’m pretty sure the vet could see the smoke coming out of my ears at this point when I realized Ms. Drama Queen has been playing us ALL week!
I don’t doubt that it hurt when she did it, but seriously, she has taken the drama too far and I can’t believe she suckered us into it! She’s a dog for crying out loud and she totally pulled one over on us!!
Her current status is about 80% drama queen and 20% normal. She’s still not walking all over like normal. It just depends on what we are doing if she will walk. For instance if we are willing to give her Punk’s food, she’ll walk to get it. If we ask her to go outside to do her business, nope she won’t walk.
Wish us luck as we attempt to remove the Queen from her thrown and get back to getting work done.