We tried our hand at babysitting last night! It was our friend Abbey's birthday (check out their new
blog!)and they were looking for a night out without interruption...and we were game for a night of fun with their 2 girls! It was the perfect match!
Now before you think it sounds like a great idea to call and ask us to babysit, there are a couple of things you have to understand.
1.) we don't have kids and therefore don't completely understand how important it is to stay on a schedule.
2.) we like treats...ALOT. That means your kids are liable to indulge as well.
Keeping that in mind, let's get on with the fun of the night! When Olivia thought it was ice cream time, so did we! When Olivia thought she needed a second bowl of ice cream, we thought she did too!! How can you turn a sweet little request for a second bowl with the question is followed by the sweetest "please" you have ever heard? Hey, what can I say? I'm a sucker!
Slumber party? Right on!! There's no need to sleep in bed, why not just hang out on the couch and chant "slumber party, slumber party... That is SO much more fun than going to bed at 8! It is MUCH better to chant slumber party until 10PM! (Oops, their bedtime was 8PM? See #1 above).
We did totally crack up when Olivia finally looked at us around 10PM and asked "can I go to bed?" :) Poor girl, and here we thought it was a ton of fun and she just really wanted her bed!
Matt and Abbey, have you heard a new phrase come out of Olivia's mouth after she drops something? :) We spent a good portion of the night dropping things and then saying in our most high pitched and excited voice...."oopsy daisy!" Actually it was more like... "ooooooooopsy daisy!"
Check out those sweet little faces in the picture! I grabbed my point and shoot from my bag when Sylvia had the biggest smile on her face...like the biggest I have ever seen! But as soon as she saw the camera, her face was so sober. Not even joking, the camera was like an "on/off" switch. Oh well...she's just as sweet with her serious face as she is with her big teeth showing smile!
For another Smidt babysitting adventure check out this
story. Perhaps this episode was bought on because of #2 above. I couldn't resist the candy bracelet's at the store when I knew she would be coming over. Apparently it was a big hit!
Did you say you were looking for a babysitter?