Thursday, June 3, 2010

Reagan and Gavin

Talk about being able to wrap someone around your finger….yep these two did it to us!

We had lots of fun with Reagan learning about cause and effect. Yep, we incorporate learning in our sessions….whatever it takes to find an attention span right?!?! Reagan would take the beautiful weeds flowers (see exhibit A in her hands) and throw them into the river from one side of the bridge and run to the other to watch them float by.

Gavin….such a handsome little man! This session was focused on the kids only, but how could we resist such a sweet shot of Mr. Gavin and his daddy!?!?! LOVE it!

How sweet is this of Reagan. I love the serene feeling about this image.

Ummmmm… can you resist? Too much, too much!

Here is Reagan……and the President or is it the Vice President? What? You only see one human in the picture? Oh sorry, let me explain….it’s the blanket…the blanket has been affectionately referred to by her parents as the President….or when the President is in the wash, blanket #2 (aka Vice President) comes out to play. I have a feeling that 10 years from now, they will all look back at this image with a BIG smile and a story that begins with, “remember when…”

Reagan and Gavin - You two are so sweet! It was so fun to meet you and play for awhile! Reagan, you are a bit too wise for your own good…you and Belle were the best of friends! Gavin you are a trooper and powered through despite your best attempts to tell us otherwise. Can’t wait to get the rest of your gallery ready for you to view!

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