Saturday, November 21, 2009
Baby Drake
Baby Lyla
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Photographering day...
This was a surprise session for their dad/grandpa….and what a fun time we had with the surprise! I really don’t know where to start as it was like one big comedy act. Perhaps this will give you a little idea of what happened...
We had kids flying through the air, kids on the ground and everything in between....including a dog between legs! Perfect chaos makes a session so memorable and fun and brings about plenty of laughter!
Jim and I had to come to an understanding that when I say "1 picture," what I really mean is about 10. Jim didn’t know that about me. And I didn’t know that Jim would take the idea of 1 picture so literally. Eric refers to it as fuzzy math Jim, I am glad you came around to our fuzzy way of thinking. J.
Jim said he had a pitch fork and we said American Gothic the KandE way?
Jim has always wanted a family picture of his family on the elevator and that is why we were invited out for the surprise….but he also had a vision of his family walking in the field. (Sorry Jim, you can't see the surprise image just yet!)
Notice the kids never stopped flying through the air!
To all of you…whoa!! What a wild and fun time we had out at the farm! I am happy we were able to contribute to the kids' high sugar levels after naptime! :) Thanks for inviting us, we loved hanging out and capturing your families!!!