Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bartlett family

Oh my goodness….what a blast we had with these guys! I knew it was going to be an awesome session when the boys came piling out of the van talking a hundred miles a minute! They were all ready to tell me stories and I love listening to them! It felt like we had known each other for 2 years as opposed to 2 minutes!

Jaden and Ethan have definitely been great big brothers and have taught Andrew so much. Seriously, I don’t think I have ever met a more chatty 2 year old than Andrew!

He had me cracking up every 2 seconds! I was laughing so much at one point Andrew point blank told me it wasn’t funny. Hehehe!!

Jaden is definitely a sweet big brother! I would ask the 3 boys to together for a picture and he would be the first one to wrap his brothers up in a big hug….total sweetness!!

Ethan was our little helper. He wasn’t afraid to make decisions on where he and his brothers should be for pictures. I loved it!

Bartlett family – Wow, you make our job too easy! The boys did a FANTASTIC job….even when I made them wait longer than usual to get to the final destination! They are rock stars!

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